
Awarded Jul 03-2022
Gro Intelligence Inc 2022
In support of creating and updating a public facing data tool with information on food commodity availability and pricing for select African countries.
    Awarded Sep 30-2022
    Bipartisan Policy Center 2022
    in support of the Food and Nutrition Security Task Force to produce original research and thought leadership on food and nutrition security issues
      Awarded Jun 06-2022
      Smithsonian Institution 2022
      in support of the Smithsonian's Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Rescue Emergency Assistance Program
        Awarded May 20-2022
        World Trade Center Performing Arts Center, Inc. 2022
        toward the costs of the Vartan and Clare Gregorian Programming Fund at The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center at the World Trade Center to support multiple performing arts disciplines exploring the intersection of social impact and social justice
          Awarded Jun 01-2022
          Razom, Inc. 2022
          in support of launching a pilot psychological services program for Ukrainian women and children.
            Awarded Jun 06-2022
            Mahidol University 2022
            in support of building the capacity of medical and public health professionals, food system-related policy makers and nutrition professionals to improve professional skills and networks, and enhance cross-border collaboration
              Awarded Apr 19-2022
              Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights 2022
              in support of providing emergency support services including relocations, survival stipends, and legal, medical, and psychological assistance to vulnerable women and LGBTQI+ activists and organizations in the Ukraine