
Awarded Mar 17-2022
Royal Institute of International Affairs 2022
in support of convening a diverse, high-level, international, and cross-sectoral group of stakeholders to address how institutional reform and public-private partnerships can contribute to a just, equitable global recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic
    Awarded Apr 07-2022
    German Marshall Fund of the United States 2022
    in support of its Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation to provide immediate protection for endangered Ukrainian civil society organizations and independent media in order to drive post-war reconstruction and future democratic development
      Awarded Mar 14-2022
      International Rescue Committee 2022
      in support of efforts to provide direct relief to internally displaced persons and refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine
        Awarded May 20-2022
        The Aspen Institute 2022
        toward the costs of the Aspen Strategy Group to facilitate conversations addressing the most pressing national security issues facing the U.S. today, with a special emphasis on climate change and environmental security
          Awarded Feb 01-2022
          Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting 2022
          in support of building journalism capacity by developing inclusive reporter training, tools for newsrooms, peer networks, and resources to expand coverage of under-reported and/or inaccurately reported critical public health information
            Awarded Feb 02-2022
            The Advertising Council, Inc. 2022
            in support of a campaign to promote awareness of 211 as a resource for Americans to access essential relief services including food pantries, government benefits, and mental health and healthcare assistance
              Awarded Oct 28-2021
              Partnership for Public Service 2021
              in general support of its mission to revitalize the federal government by transforming the way government works and inspiring a new generation to serve
                Awarded Nov 02-2021
                Nobel Prize Education Fund 2021
                toward the costs of efforts to develop, assess and disseminate a curriculum for high school students on scientific-style critical thinking in order to augment problem solving skills that can be applied to making decisions in everyday lives
                  Awarded Oct 19-2021
                  Oxford Policy Fellowship 2021
                  in support of a fellowship program that provides legal support to Ministries of Energy, Finance and Agriculture in Malawi and Sierra Leone in order to strengthen governance and public policy capacity