
Awarded Sep 19-2021
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy 2021
in general support of its mission to promote philanthropy that serves the public good, is responsive to people and communities with the least wealth and opportunity, and is held accountable to the highest standards of integrity and openness
    Awarded Sep 10-2021
    Mahidol University 2021
    For use by its Institute for Population and Social Research in support of the 2023 and 2024 Prince Mahidol Award Conferences, aimed at promoting evidence of and best practices on strengthening health systems
      Awarded Oct 21-2021
      Tides Center 2021
      for use by its project the National Farm to School Network, toward the costs of advancing regulatory and policy progress to equitably increase access to healthy food in schools
        Awarded Sep 28-2021
        United States Fund for UNICEF 2021
        in support of developing an entrepreneurship program targeting women and youth that drives outcomes in various sectors including green industries
          Awarded Aug 30-2021
          Sayara International 2021
          toward the costs of one or more charter flights to evacuate vulnerable civilians out of support of emergency relief efforts in Afghanistan
            Awarded Aug 12-2021
            ACCESS Health International 2021
            in support of creating a global learning collaborative to strengthen resilient health systems in preparation for future pandemic threats
              Awarded Aug 19-2021
              United Nations Development Programme 2021
              in support of a project to educate, inform and influence relevant experts and government stakeholders in China and Africa towards creating a discourse and strategy for leveraging Chinese resources committed to Africa for energy access and health systems resilience (esp. through FOCAC)