in general support of its mission to revitalize the federal government by transforming the way government works and inspiring a new generation to serve
toward the costs of efforts to develop, assess and disseminate a curriculum for high school students on scientific-style critical thinking in order to augment problem solving skills that can be applied to making decisions in everyday lives
in support of a fellowship program that provides legal support to Ministries of Energy, Finance and Agriculture in Malawi and Sierra Leone in order to strengthen governance and public policy capacity
toward the costs of efforts to digitize and preserve materials from the King Library and Archives in order to make them available to researchers and the general public
in general support of its mission to build support among policymakers, influencers, and opinion leaders for U.S. global leadership by educating and amplifying how investments in diplomacy, development and global health matter to America’s health, security, and economic interests
for use by its AAPI Progress Education Fund in support of conducting a survey of Asian American and Pacific Islander communities to inform the AAPI Victory Alliance Think Tank’s efforts to combat violence and misinformation
for use by Co-Impact, a global collaborative for systems change, toward the costs of the Gender Fund to transform health, education, and economic systems to ensure gender equitable and inclusive outcomes which allow all people to live fulfilling lives
in support of convening and catalyzing Asian leaders in the Global South to create a common vision for equitable recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic and for meeting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets