
Awarded Oct 01-2021
World Central Kitchen, Inc. 2021
in support of shared logistical expenses for on the ground disaster relief in Haiti in collaboration with CORE
    Awarded Aug 11-2021
    The Economist Group Ltd 2021
    in support of two Economist events to bring together high-level leaders across industries and economies to discuss global solutions to post-Pandemic challenges
      Awarded Apr 23-2021
      Rockefeller Archive Center 2021
      in support of developing a records management program, including hiring a senior-level Records and Information Manager, to implement a strategic plan to steward and share the Foundation’s information assets in a digital era
        Awarded Sep 14-2021
        Service Year Alliance 2021
        in general support of its mission to make a year of paid, full-time service — a service year — a common expectation and opportunity for all young Americans
          Awarded Aug 16-2021
          Associated Press 2021
          in support of launching a climate coverage initiative that will include reporting on the increased and urgent need for reliable, renewable electricity in underserved communities worldwide
            Awarded Oct 21-2021
            Purpose Campaigns LLC 2021
            in support of facilitating a communications network of trusted messengers, citizen volunteers and trained media to amplify accurate information and combat mis- and dis-information on Covid-19 vaccines
              Awarded Jun 15-2021
              The Aspen Institute 2021
              For use by its Congressional Program toward the costs of a nonpartisan project to educate legislators on key public policy issues.
                Awarded Jun 30-2021
                The Economist Group Ltd 2021
                in support of an Economist Virtual Roundtable designed to bring together high-level leaders across industries and geographies to discuss how to prevent the next pandemic