
Awarded Oct 21-2021
Purpose Campaigns LLC 2021
in support of facilitating a communications network of trusted messengers, citizen volunteers and trained media to amplify accurate information and combat mis- and dis-information on Covid-19 vaccines
    Awarded May 06-2021
    Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 2021
    for use by its International Commission on the Financing Global Education Opportunity in support of its work to build momentum for a COVID-19 emergency stimulus package to support low-income nations
      Awarded May 06-2021
      Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 2021
      for use by its International Commission on the Financing Global Education Opportunity in support of its work to build momentum for a COVID-19 emergency stimulus package to support low-income nations
        Awarded Jul 27-2021
        Sponsors for Educational Opportunity 2021
        in support of the SEO Scholars program to close the academic and career opportunity gaps for young people from underrepresented communities
          Awarded May 14-2021
          Give Foundation Inc. 2021
          in support of developing an infrastructure to advance COVID response relief measures, including securing and disbursing essential equipment and establishing a social safety net, in the wake of the pandemic’s second wave in India
            Awarded May 18-2021
            Swasti 2021
            in support of the COVIDActionCollab, a collaboration of community-based interventions for rural and peri-urban areas including testing and Covid Care Centers in India
              Awarded May 27-2021
              X4Impact Inc 2021
              toward the costs of their X4Impact platform to disseminate open sourced, transparent information, data aggregation, and online convening opportunities for funders, entrepreneurs, tech leaders, governments, and investors seeking to make an impact
                Awarded Apr 23-2021
                Rockefeller Archive Center 2021
                in support of developing a records management program, including hiring a senior-level Records and Information Manager, to implement a strategic plan to steward and share the Foundation’s information assets in a digital era
                  Awarded Mar 29-2021
                  Harvard University 2021
                  for use by its Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, in support of building and sustaining an innovative organizational structure to advance and expand work in the domains of health equity, equitable recovery, justice reform, and democracy
                    Awarded May 03-2021
                    Georgetown University 2021
                    for use by its Institute for Women, Peace, and Security in continued support of the Beijing +25 report, including a five-part Beijing +25 virtual panel series, “The Way Forward: Accelerating Progress for Women and Girls”.