
Awarded Feb 01-2021
Center for Effective Philanthropy 2021
in general support of its mission to provide data and create insight so philanthropic funders can better define, assess and improve their effectiveness and impact
    Awarded Nov 02-2020
    National Conference of State Legislatures 2020
    in support of improving the quality and effectiveness of state legislatures to impact the upward economic mobility for low-income and historically marginalized populations
      Awarded Jan 19-2021
      The Communications Network 2021
      in support of managing The Frank Karel/Rockefeller Foundation Scholarship to provide nonprofit communications leaders free attendance to its annual ComNet conference
        Awarded Jun 22-2021
        National Foster Youth Institute 2021
        toward the costs of efforts to address the impact of COVID-19 on the child welfare system and issues that prevent foster youth from obtaining economic mobility
          Awarded Oct 22-2020
          The New School 2020
          in support of its New University in Exile Consortium to provide an active and supportive intellectual community for endangered, exiled academics who have been persecuted and forced to flee their home countries
            Awarded Oct 30-2020
            Shining Hope for Communities, Inc. 2020
            in support of piloting an in-house cash transfer mechanism as part of COVID-19 response and recovery efforts in Kenyan urban slums
              Awarded Nov 02-2020
              Women Political Leaders 2020
              in support of the Reykjavik Manual, the outcome document for the Reykjavic Global Forum