
Awarded Nov 02-2020
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices 2020
to support its Human Services & Early Childhood Program and Workforce Development & Economic Policy program in building an economic stability and mobility agenda for low-income families for an equitable economic recovery for States in response to COVID-19
    Awarded Oct 22-2020
    Unidos US 2020
    toward the costs of a public health campaign to strengthen recovery efforts and mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in the Latino Community
      Awarded Nov 23-2020
      Smithsonian Institution 2020
      in support of the online component of its National Museum of African American History & Culture's exhibition, "Make Good the Promises: Reconstruction and Its Legacies"
        Awarded Sep 17-2020
        When We All Vote 2020
        toward the costs of non-partisan efforts to educate, register, and increase voter turn out numbers
          Awarded Sep 11-2020
          The/Nudge Foundation 2020
          toward the costs of using data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence to enable systems that will match jobs for migrant workers in India impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
            Awarded Oct 08-2020
            WGBH Educational Foundation 2020
            in support of pivoting the content of the "Future of Work" series to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic
              Awarded Oct 26-2020
              National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy 2020
              in general support of its mission to promote philanthropy that serves the public good, is responsive to people and communities with the least wealth and opportunity, and is held accountable to the highest standards of integrity and openness