
Awarded Nov 08-2019
Results for Development 2019
in support of efforts to create an accessible, online registry of Civil Society Organizations in Africa in order to facilitate the strengthening of the sector
    Awarded Dec 04-2019
    Panzi Foundation 2019
    in general support of its mission to serve as a center of excellence for survivors of sexual violence and delivering mothers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
      Awarded Nov 15-2019
      Junior Achievement India Services 2019
      in support of its Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship (GAME) to catalyze entrepreneurship in India in order to achieve greater levels of employment
        Awarded Nov 13-2019
        United Nations Development Programme 2019
        for use by its United Nations Resident Coordinator's Office to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Platform’s Food and Nutrition Security window in order to ensure that all Kenyans receive food in sufficient quantity and quality to satisfy their nutritional needs for optimal health
          Awarded Oct 28-2019
          African Venture Philanthropy Alliance Limited 2019
          toward the costs of establishing a pan-African membership network which will serve to significantly increase the flow of effectively applied financial, human and intellectual capital towards poor and vulnerable communities in Africa
            Awarded Nov 08-2019
            Georgetown University 2019
            for use by The Walsh School of Foreign Service in support of a project to draw lessons from leaders of countries undergoing or emerging from post-conflict reconstruction and to share these success stories with the international community
              Awarded Sep 30-2019
              Asia Foundation 2019
              in support of a project on "Achieving Sustainable Development in Southeast Asia through Greater Engagement with China’s Development Actors"
                Awarded Oct 08-2019
                Asia Society 2019
                for use by its Asia Society Policy Institute in support of fostering relationships with Chinese leaders, philanthropists and innovators to help shape the future of Chinese venture philanthropy