
Awarded Dec 17-2019
World Economic Forum 2019
in support of bringing innovative solutions to today’s most pressing global challenges through the Shaping the Future of Energy and Materials and Shaping the Future of Global Public Goods initiatives
    Awarded Oct 08-2019
    The Aspen Institute 2019
    for use by its Congressional Program toward the costs of a nonpartisan project to educate legislators on key public policy issues
      Awarded Sep 16-2019
      Binc 2019
      toward the costs of the #valuable campaign to increase the inclusion of people with disabilities through inclusive business practices
        Awarded May 15-2019
        in support of organizing the "Bellagio Conversation on Fragile States in the Sahel" to be held at The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy, May 2019
          Awarded May 24-2019
          The Documentary Group 2019
          in continued support of producing "Solvable," a multi-media storytelling project that raises awareness, conversation and action on pressing global challenges for which promising solutions have been identified, in order to inspire commitment to make those solutions a reality for vulnerable people around the world
            Awarded May 23-2019
            Rockefeller Foundation Donations 2019
            to facilitate Rockefeller Foundation donations to charitable organizations through its Matching Gift Program and other similar programs, as well as contributions to philanthropic sector organizations
              Awarded Dec 04-2019
              Candid 2019
              in general support of its mission to strengthen the social sector by advancing knowledge about philanthropy in the U.S. and around the world
                Awarded Aug 26-2019
                Philanthropy New York 2019
                in general support of its mission to support the practice of effective philanthropy for the public good through educational activities, publications and communications