
Awarded Aug 26-2019
Center for Effective Philanthropy 2019
in general support of its mission to provide data and create insight so philanthropic funders can better define, assess and improve their effectiveness and impact
    Awarded Aug 06-2019
    Center for US Global Leadership 2019
    in general support of its mission to educate and engage the American public and opinion leaders across the country on the importance of America's civilian tools of development and diplomacy
      Awarded Dec 04-2019
      Synergos Institute 2019
      in general support of its mission to bring people together to solve complex problems of poverty
        Awarded Oct 14-2019
        The ONE Campaign 2019
        in general support of its mission to fight extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa, by raising public awareness and educating policy makers about the importance of smart and effective policies and programs
          Awarded Oct 31-2018
          for use by the Fight Inequality Alliance in support of its ongoing activities leading civil society organizations that have come together to address the growing crisis of inequality
            Awarded Oct 31-2018
            National Governors Association Center for Best Practices 2018
            in support of researching how governors can integrate Opportunity Zone planning into existing economic and workforce development strategies 3.23.20 amended in support of boiler room operation supporting governors on COVID-19 response.
              Awarded Dec 05-2018
              toward the costs of strengthening and expanding its educational programming for youth in Georgia and around the U.S.
                Awarded Oct 31-2018
                Paris School of Economics 2018
                for use by its World Inequality Lab toward the costs of analyzing economic inequality trends in emerging countries in the context of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
                  Awarded Nov 29-2018
                  toward the costs of an effort to rebuild Puerto Rico's coffee industry in local communities following the devastation of Hurricane Maria