
Awarded Dec 06-2018
in support of producing the "Solvable" podcast, an original audio series showcasing world thinkers proposing solutions to the world’s most challenging problems affecting poor and vulnerable populations
    Awarded Nov 26-2018
    toward the costs of its Apollo Rising 2.0 capital campaign to elevate the Apollo to a center for 21st century performing arts
      Awarded Oct 31-2018
      Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting 2018
      in support of a fellowship program to promote international long-form reporting and educational outreach focused on global health, fragility and conflict, and food security
        Awarded Nov 12-2018
        FSG, Inc 2018
        toward the costs of its Shared Value Initiative, to continue to develop the concept of “shared value” and promote it as a guiding philosophy and core business practice that drives innovation by addressing social needs
          Awarded Nov 26-2018
          Service Year Alliance 2018
          in general support of its mission to make a year of public service a common opportunity for all young Americans
            Awarded Dec 11-2018
            The Documentary Group 2018
            in support of producing "Solvable," a multi-media storytelling project that raises awareness, conversation and action on pressing global challenges for which promising solutions have been identified, in order to inspire commitment to make those solutions a reality for vulnerable people around the world
              Awarded Oct 31-2018
              Center for US Global Leadership 2018
              toward the costs of its “Heartland Initiative” aimed at renewing broad engagement around the significance of U.S. leadership in global development
                Awarded Oct 31-2018
                Boston University 2018
                for use by its Initiative on Cities toward the costs of conducting the annual Menino Survey of Mayors and disseminating the survey findings broadly
                  Awarded Nov 26-2018
                  Local Initiatives Support Corporation 2018
                  for use by its New Energy Model Organization toward the costs of piloting strategies to scale building energy efficiency projects to benefit low- and moderate-income people and communities
                    Awarded Oct 31-2018
                    Niskanen Center 2018
                    for use by its Poverty and Welfare department toward the costs of social finance research to promote sustainable, pro-growth solutions for the revitalization of distressed communities