
Awarded Oct 31-2018
Niskanen Center 2018
for use by its Poverty and Welfare department toward the costs of social finance research to promote sustainable, pro-growth solutions for the revitalization of distressed communities
    Awarded Dec 05-2018
    University of Chicago 2018
    for use by its International Innovation Corps in support of an e-health systems project with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public healthcare in India
      Awarded Oct 24-2018
      Results for Development 2018
      in support of the planning phase to landscape Civil Society Organizations in Africa and create an accessible, searchable online repository to facilitate the strengthening of the sector
        Awarded Sep 27-2018
        Asia Foundation 2018
        in support of assisting the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) establish a Center for Sustainable Development that will solidify ASEAN’s leadership role in development operation and humanitarian assistance
          Awarded Oct 10-2018
          in support of the production, launch and dissemination of the "Future of Asia-Pacific Cities Report" and "7th Asia Pacific Urban Forum"
            Awarded Oct 31-2018
            New York Times Company 2018
            in support of establishing a "pod bureau" in San Juan, Puerto Rico to report on the 1-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria including an article entitled "Puerto Rico in Ruins"
              Awarded Oct 05-2018
              Rockefeller Foundation Donations 2018
              to facilitate Rockefeller Foundation donations to charitable organizations through its Matching Gift Program and other similar programs, as well as contributions to philanthropic sector organizations
                Awarded Nov 20-2018
                Longitude Research 2018
                in support of conducting research to measure the impacts of the field of impact investing and the Financial Times’ Investing For Good USA Summit in New York