
Awarded Nov 20-2018
Longitude Research 2018
in support of conducting research to measure the impacts of the field of impact investing and the Financial Times’ Investing For Good USA Summit in New York
    Awarded May 17-2018
    Global Social Impact 2018
    toward the costs of establishing the African Venture Philanthropy Association, a membership network which will serve to significantly increase the flow of effectively applied financial, human and intellectual capital toward poor and vulnerable communities in Africa
      Awarded Sep 28-2018
      in support of capacity building initiatives, including data management and integration, for government and civil society organizations in order to promote cultural diversity in Rakhine State, Myanmar
        Awarded Oct 24-2018
        United Nations Economic Commission for Africa 2018
        in support of developing knowledge-based advocacy briefs and of organizing a multi-stakeholder continental forum to further the African Continental Free Trade Area agreement
          Awarded Oct 08-2018
          City University of New York 2018
          In support of establishing an endowment fund for the David Rockefeller Cultural Corps Fellowships, to provide training and paid internships to low-income youth at cultural institutions throughout New York City in an effort to diversify the workforce of the cultural sector
            Awarded Oct 11-2018
            World Economic Forum 2018
            in support of bringing innovative solutions to today’s most pressing global challenges through its Centre for Public Goods, Centre for the New Economy and Society, Shaping the Future of Food systems initiative, and Shaping the Future of Health and Healthcare systems initiative
              Awarded Jul 12-2018
              toward the costs of increasing public awareness of issues related to sexual harassment in the workplace and of supporting efforts to design and educate on policy solutions to improve worker protection
                Awarded Jul 12-2018
                in partnership with its PEN Myanmar, in support of an initiative to advance free expression, tolerance and multiculturalism in Myanmar
                  Awarded Jun 26-2018
                  Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa 2018
                  toward the costs of convening the Africa Green Revolution Forum over the next three years and of developing a refreshed strategy to shape the future of the forum and its role in influencing and driving a shared vision on an inclusive agricultural transformation in Africa
                    Awarded Jul 12-2018
                    in support of its efforts to empower the people of Myanmar to engage in social transformation and promote a culture of rights for all