
Awarded Oct 05-2017
Business for Social Responsibility 2017
in support of the development and expansion of the Global Impact Sourcing Coalition to support wide-scale adoption of Impact Sourcing as an inclusive hiring practice
    Awarded Oct 18-2017
    toward the costs of promoting adoption of its investor water risk analysis framework to encourage more sustainable corporate water practices
      Awarded Oct 13-2017
      Rockefeller Foundation Donations 2017
      to facilitate Rockefeller Foundation donations to charitable organizations through its Matching Gift Program and other similar programs, as well as contributions to philanthropic sector organizations
        Awarded Nov 08-2017
        Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 2017
        for use by its Fund for Shared Insight in support of improving beneficiary feedback loops for social service organizations in order to increase transparency and impact in both the non-profit and philanthropic sectors
          Awarded Dec 15-2017
          StoryCorps, Inc. 2017
          toward the costs of its project “One Small Step” that seeks to help bridge America’s political divides through storytelling
            Awarded Jul 19-2017
            World Resources Institute 2017
            in support of providing technical assistance for the implementation of water rights trading systems in China and the development of a framework for implementing similar water rights trading systems in other parts of the world
              Awarded Aug 01-2017
              Chulalongkorn University 2017
              for use by its Urban Design and Development Center in support of developing an Open Data platform to systematically crowdsource public opinions and ideas in order to promote urban inclusion in Bangkok
                Awarded Aug 30-2017
                Ove Arup & Partners International Limited 2017
                in support of developing a City Water Resilience Framework to provide a comprehensive set of indicators, variables and metrics that can be used by cities to measure the resilience of their urban water systems over time
                  Awarded Oct 05-2017
                  Climate Bonds Initiative 2017
                  in support of developing definitions and standards that verify the green credentials of a bond in order to encourage investment in climate change adaptation and mitigation
                    Awarded Aug 31-2017
                    The Communications Network 2017
                    in support of developing and managing The Frank Karel/Rockefeller Foundation Scholarship to provide nonprofit communications leaders free attendance to its annual ComNet conference