
Awarded Nov 03-2016
toward the costs of expanding and amplifying its “Women On Board (USA)” initiative to increase board gender diversity
    Awarded Dec 16-2016
    Windward Fund 2016
    for use by its Water Funder Initiative toward the costs of developing and coordinating the implementation of funding action plans to address water challenges impacting communities and freshwater ecosystems in the U.S. West
      Awarded Dec 01-2016
      toward the costs of a virtual news literacy classroom that will provide middle and high school students with the skills to be better informed and consequently, more engaged citizens
        Awarded Dec 13-2016
        toward the costs of expanding its Mobile Unit’s community engagement and audience building activities by adding Spanish-language programming in order to engage marginalized populations
          Awarded Mar 07-2017
          World Bank 2017
          toward the costs of implementing its “Global Water Practice” partnership, including a Global Knowledge Initiative on Freshwater Resilience, to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation globally
            Awarded Dec 16-2016
            toward the costs of planning and programming for its IdeasCity New York and establishing a Rockefeller Foundation Fellows program
              Awarded Nov 30-2016
              Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2016
              for use by its Community Indicators Lab in support of piloting participatory real estate development tools in the Bronx to inform efforts in cities where residents are facing the threat of displacement
                Awarded Dec 19-2016
                Columbia University 2016
                for use by its School of International and Public Affairs in support of research and public presentations on resilience practice and theory
                  Awarded Dec 08-2016
                  Guardian News and Media Ltd 2016
                  in continued support of its Guardian Cities section to foster reader engagement and understanding of resilience as it affects poor and vulnerable communities in urban areas
                    Awarded Nov 22-2016
                    toward the costs of its outcomes knowledge campaign which seeks to catalyze systems change based on outcome measurement