
Awarded Sep 29-2016
toward the costs of the 2016-2017 school year activities of The Young Women’s Leadership Schools, a network of all-girls public secondary schools serving underserved girls and their families in New York City
    Awarded Nov 22-2016
    Living Cities, Inc.: The National Community Development Initiative 2016
    in support of a new campaign to support the start-up and scale-up of companies that create good, stable jobs for low-income people, and in general support of its mission to advance opportunity and prosperity in U.S. cities and their low-income populations
      Awarded Jul 25-2016
      Dalberg Group ApS 2016
      in support of the pilot phase of the Big Bets Match-up Initiative to create a networking and solution platform that brings together civil society organizations, entrepreneurs, investors, and philanthropists for action toward implementing the Sustainable Development Goals
        Awarded Jun 16-2016
        in support of an effort to advance the knowledge of the philanthropic sector regarding high-impact implementation approaches, drawing from lessons and examples from foundations, multi-laterals, and the private sector
          Awarded Jun 17-2016
          KKS Advisors LLC 2016
          in support of providing analysis and strategic support to enable the Rockefeller Foundation’s Revalue Ecosystems grantees to optimize the positioning of and influence from their efforts
            Awarded Sep 14-2016
            in support of the promotion and delivery of a special workshop stream on social impact measurement and evaluation at the Social Capital Markets Conference (SOCAP) to be held in San Francisco September, 2016
              Awarded Jun 08-2016
              toward the costs of its 5th International Conference themed, “Transforming Smallholder Agriculture in Africa: The Role of Policy and Governance,” to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, September 2016
                Awarded Jun 08-2016
                in support of developing the “Genuine/Alternative Report on Africa” to showcase a new narrative for the continent based on Africa’s innovation capacity, business and economic opportunity, and availability of talent and skills
                  Awarded Jun 17-2016
                  for use by the “Beyond Zero” campaign in support of creating a new strategic framework to further the campaign’s work toward HIV control and the promotion of maternal, newborn, and children's health in Kenya