
Awarded Jun 08-2016
in support of developing the “Genuine/Alternative Report on Africa” to showcase a new narrative for the continent based on Africa’s innovation capacity, business and economic opportunity, and availability of talent and skills
    Awarded Jun 17-2016
    for use by the “Beyond Zero” campaign in support of creating a new strategic framework to further the campaign’s work toward HIV control and the promotion of maternal, newborn, and children's health in Kenya
      Awarded Jun 24-2016
      in support of developing and managing a “Future Cities Accelerator” challenge and fund targeting next generation changemakers who create innovative solutions to key problem spaces facing cities
        Awarded Oct 26-2016
        Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History 2016
        toward the costs of expanding its Hamilton Education Program to provide subsidized tickets to the show "Hamilton" for underprivileged high school students, and to distribute accompanying educational materials that integrate theatrical performance and the study of American history
          Awarded Jun 16-2016
          George Washington University 2016
          for use by its Center for Real Estate and Urban Analysis toward the costs of identifying the social equity potential of different neighborhoods in terms of housing, infrastructure and employment opportunities and using the data to inform the Regional Plan Association’s 4th Regional Plan for New York City
            Awarded Jun 17-2016
            Sundance Institute 2016
            in continued support of its Impact Fund to identify and nurture documentary film and new media projects that align with the Foundation’s goals of resilience and inclusive economies while implementing a suite of impact resources
              Awarded Jul 15-2016
              in support of producing a feature length documentary film, “Wasted,” and a corresponding awareness campaign and educational curriculum to highlight efforts to reduce food waste
                Awarded May 18-2016
                for use by its Center for Financial Inclusion (CFI) toward the costs of the CFI Research Fellows program to investigate ways to extend financial tools and services to those who lack access globally
                  Awarded May 27-2016
                  for use by its FT Live Global Conferences team toward the costs of organizing and co-hosting an “Innovations in Philanthropy” forum on innovative finance to be held in New York City in 2016
                    Awarded Apr 13-2016
                    for use by its Asia Regional Centre in support of two convenings to facilitate dialogues on inclusive economies and an increased commitment to gender inclusion and women’s economic empowerment in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)