
Awarded Jun 10-2016
IDEO LP 2016
in support of organizing a convening to surface potential interventions for how philanthropy and the “on-demand” or “gig” economy can work together to make a more inclusive future of work, to be held at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, August 2016
    Awarded Apr 13-2016
    for use by its Thammasat University Research and Consultancy Institute in support of a study to design an inclusive enterprise and ownership model of a new canal transit system in Bangkok and develop a set of recommendations to inform the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration’s canal upgrading plan
      Awarded Jun 14-2016
      The Communications Network 2016
      in support of publishing “Change Agent,” a bi-annual print journal on social sector communications
        Awarded Jun 16-2016
        George Washington University 2016
        for use by its Center for Real Estate and Urban Analysis toward the costs of identifying the social equity potential of different neighborhoods in terms of housing, infrastructure and employment opportunities and using the data to inform the Regional Plan Association’s 4th Regional Plan for New York City
          Awarded Apr 01-2016
          toward the costs of piloting its collaborative programs for youth arts learning in Miami-Dade County
            Awarded May 18-2016
            for use by its Martha Farrell Foundation in support of practical interventions that are committed to achieving a gender-just society and combating gender violence and sexual harassment
              Awarded Aug 08-2016
              toward the costs of activities related to the Climate Action 2016 Summit held in Washington, D.C., May 2016
                Awarded Apr 19-2016
                in support of conducting public opinion research and developing two videos to support the Foundation’s Inclusive Economies “100x25” campaign as part of the overall “What If” platform
                  Awarded Apr 05-2016
                  Urban Institute 2016
                  in support of establishing and administering the Janice Nittoli Solutions Fellowship to pair policy practitioners with senior research scholars in order to develop innovative and ambitious solutions to specific research problems
                    Awarded Apr 14-2016
                    for use by its Caring Across Generations campaign toward the costs of the “Who Cares” project to catalyze broad-based change in cultural norms and behaviors surrounding caregiving and the care workforce