
Awarded Jan 26-2017
Deloitte Consulting LLP 2017
for use by its Monitor Institute toward the costs of exploring how philanthropists can use new approaches to more effectively measure and evaluate their work and to develop tools and systems that enable more timely and effective evidence-based decision-making
    Awarded Dec 08-2016
    Guardian News and Media Ltd 2016
    in continued support of its Guardian Cities section to foster reader engagement and understanding of resilience as it affects poor and vulnerable communities in urban areas
      Awarded Dec 01-2016
      toward the costs of a virtual news literacy classroom that will provide middle and high school students with the skills to be better informed and consequently, more engaged citizens
        Awarded Dec 13-2016
        toward the costs of expanding its Mobile Unit’s community engagement and audience building activities by adding Spanish-language programming in order to engage marginalized populations
          Awarded Feb 08-2017
          Global Impact Investing Network 2017
          in support of assessing the state of the impact investing market, hosting a convening of industry leaders, and disseminating research in order to leverage more capital into investments that benefit poor and vulnerable people
            Awarded Dec 16-2016
            New Venture Fund 2016
            for use by its Colorado River Sustainability Campaign toward the costs of coordinating a project to advance sustainable management of the Salton Sea
              Awarded Feb 08-2017
              for use by its Stockholm International Water Institute in support of conducting research and analysis to develop a strategy to advance freshwater resilience globally
                Awarded Nov 30-2016
                Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2016
                for use by its Community Indicators Lab in support of piloting participatory real estate development tools in the Bronx to inform efforts in cities where residents are facing the threat of displacement
                  Awarded Dec 07-2016
                  toward the costs of testing and validating its Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines, a voluntary ratings system used to influence planning and design decision-making along the water’s edge, in order to balance public access with coastal resiliency and ecosystem restoration
                    Awarded Dec 09-2016
                    in support of conducting and disseminating research and analysis to identify better, tactical ways to promote gender equity in the corporate environment