
Awarded May 26-2016
Forbes Media LLC 2016
toward the costs of its Forbes Women’s Summit and the launch of the “100x25” campaign
    Awarded Apr 01-2016
    toward the costs of piloting its collaborative programs for youth arts learning in Miami-Dade County
      Awarded May 18-2016
      for use by its Martha Farrell Foundation in support of practical interventions that are committed to achieving a gender-just society and combating gender violence and sexual harassment
        Awarded Aug 08-2016
        toward the costs of activities related to the Climate Action 2016 Summit held in Washington, D.C., May 2016
          Awarded Mar 18-2016
          toward the costs of ensuring that immigrant and refugee populations are able to achieve more equitable outcomes in America, by supporting convenings, case studies, and the development of welcoming metrics
            Awarded Apr 05-2016
            Blue State Digital Inc. 2016
            in support of organizing a convening to aid in the development of a long term vision and secure partnership commitments for the adoption, uptake and scaling of the Resilience Digital Experience Project, to be held at The Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center
              Awarded Apr 04-2016
              toward the costs of a convening of Indian philanthropic leaders and foundations interested in learning about strategic philanthropy
                Awarded Mar 24-2016
                Blue State Digital Inc. 2016
                in support of developing a prototype to connect and scale The Rockefeller Foundation’s resilience portfolio and community to support the goal of building a field of resilience
                  Awarded Apr 04-2016
                  Women in the World Media 2016
                  toward the costs of curating and executing the seventh annual Women in the World Summit to be held in New York City, April 2016 and of hosting a luncheon around the launch of the Foundation’s “100 by 2025” campaign
                    Awarded Feb 22-2016
                    Rockefeller Foundation Donations 2016
                    to facilitate Rockefeller Foundation donations to charitable organizations through its Matching Gift Program and other similar programs, as well as membership contributions to philanthropic sector organizations