
Awarded Aug 04-2023
Asian Institute of Technology 2023
In support of generating empirical evidence for selected nature-positive regenerative solutions for rice production in Thailand, Lao PDR, and Cambodia
    Awarded Aug 18-2023
    Pegasus Capital Advisors 2023
    in support of market studies and research for the development of the Blue Green Bank, which will help the Caribbean overcome existing financing challenges and constraints of climate change adaptation and mitigation.
      Awarded Jul 31-2023
      Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 2023
      toward the costs of efforts to improve philanthropy by capturing and sharing learning across foundations, grantees and their beneficiaries, using participatory practices that center equity, with a focus on helping communities most impacted by systematic racism and structural inequities.
        Awarded Dec 13-2023
        The Climate Reality Project 2023
        in support of the 2023 global training program, "The Climate Reality Leadership Corps,” an effort to expand a network of advocates for the climate movement, with a focus on Ghana and South Korea
          Awarded Jun 28-2023
          Cup of Uji 2023
          in support of increasing access to nutritious school meals in Kenya
            Awarded Aug 08-2023
            Dalberg Catalyst 2023
            in support of the Africa Climate Action Summit, a convening to articulate and execute on the potential for large-scale, sustainable climate action in Africa, to be held in Kenya in September 2023
              Awarded May 22-2023
              New York Public Library 2023
              in general support of its mission to advance education and science across the City of New York.