
Awarded Nov 20-2015
World Economic Forum 2015
toward the costs of bringing the benefit of innovative solutions to today’s most pressing global challenges through its Long Term Investing, Infrastructure and Development, Employment, Skills and Human Capital, and Food Security and Agriculture programs
    Awarded Nov 02-2015
    Harvard University 2015
    for use by its T.H. Chan School of Public Health in support of activities to launch a new field of “Planetary Health” in order to yield better solutions to health challenges in the 21st century
      Awarded Oct 31-2016
      Mission Investors Exchange, Inc. 2016
      in general support of its mission to build partnerships and strengthen the mission investing field through an expanded range of programming
        Awarded Dec 15-2015
        in support of developing and executing a high-influence, high-impact convening of global leaders on the theme of resilience at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy
          Awarded Nov 20-2015
          The New School 2015
          in support of producing an online publication of the proceedings of the symposium on “The École Libre and its Legacy” to be held in Paris, France, October 2016
            Awarded Dec 16-2015
            Asia Society 2015
            in support of its “Rockefeller in Asia: Asia Society 60th Anniversary,” a year-long global series of exhibitions, programs and events exploring 60 years of John D. Rockefeller III’s legacy and what it means in Asia, for U.S.-Asia relationships and globally
              Awarded Dec 11-2015
              in support of its free IDNYC membership program that provides New Yorkers of diverse backgrounds with access to the full range of New York City Ballet’s programming
                Awarded Feb 25-2016
                in support of developing and implementing the New York City Cultural Innovation Fund, a grant program to support New York City-based cultural and community organizations to spur cultural innovation in the South Bronx and Central Brooklyn
                  Awarded Nov 17-2015
                  toward the costs of promoting the systematic and transparent incorporation of environmental, social and governance factors into credit ratings in order to develop a more economically efficient and socially sustainable system
                    Awarded Dec 07-2015
                    for use by its Institute for State and Local Governance in support of continuing its Equality Indicators project in New York City with additional focus on improving disparities in health and justice, and of expanding the framework to five other cities across the country through either technical or implementation assistance