
Awarded Oct 28-2015
Deloitte Consulting LLP 2015
in support of developing a resource for social sector leaders and grantmakers on how to meaningfully engage the private sector as a key stakeholder in a network of actors working to address complex social challenges
    Awarded Oct 27-2015
    in support of a collaboration with the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco to publish and disseminate a book exploring outcomes-based funding as a way of maximizing limited resources to promote a more inclusive and resilient society
      Awarded Nov 20-2015
      in support of identifying early signals of dynamism and emerging patterns around social impact issues
        Awarded Oct 05-2015
        Blue State Digital Inc. 2015
        in support of developing a digital strategy and prototype to connect and scale The Rockefeller Foundation’s resilience portfolio and community to support the goal of building a field of resilience
          Awarded Dec 07-2015
          Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City 2015
          toward the costs of planning and evaluating the City of New York’s “Health Access for All” program, a demonstration project to test the provision of health care access to low-income adults who are ineligible for public health insurance
            Awarded Nov 16-2015
            in support of an advocacy action plan to foster the implementation of the African Union’s gender commitments for the 2015 Year of the Woman initiative
              Awarded Oct 28-2015
              Dalberg Consulting – U.S., LLC 2015
              in support of a research and landscape assessment that identifies potential opportunities for the field of planetary health to improve the lives of poor and vulnerable people
                Awarded Sep 23-2015
                toward the costs of developing editorial coverage of the run-up to the Habitat III conference, with a focus on how cities are innovating to build resilience
                  Awarded Sep 14-2015
                  in general support of its mission to support social entrepreneurs who are leading and collaborating with changemakers, in a team of teams model that addresses the fluidity of a rapidly evolving society
                    Awarded Jul 22-2015
                    in support of promoting the use of scanning insights to strengthen social sector decision making