
Awarded Jul 30-2015
in support of strengthening its approach and capacity to measure resilience and inclusivity in its work, and to better determine the impact its work is having on the Nepali-speaking community in New York and beyond
    Awarded Jul 20-2015
    Dalberg Global Development Advisors Kenya Ltd. 2015
    in support of a pre-summit conference in preparation for the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in order to broaden participation, including a workshop on lessening food waste and spoilage, to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, July 2015
      Awarded Oct 05-2015
      for use by its project, the Natural Capital Coalition, in support of strengthening the natural capital community by standardizing a framework for businesses to measure and value their direct and indirect impacts and dependencies on natural resources
        Awarded Sep 18-2015
        Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 2015
        for use by its Fund for Shared Insight toward the costs of its efforts to improve philanthropy by increasing openness in foundations and capturing and sharing cross-cutting learning across foundations, grantees and their beneficiaries
          Awarded Jun 30-2015
          The Atlantic Monthly Group LLC 2015
          toward the costs of organizing a summit to examine resilience across the United States’ Gulf of Mexico region, 10 years after Hurricane Katrina, to be held in New Orleans, August 2015
            Awarded Jul 15-2015
            toward the costs of creating a collaborative network to develop tools and approaches to address the challenge of reaching transformative scale in the social sector
              Awarded Jun 30-2015
              in support of using crowd intelligence to test hypotheses, surface innovations, and engage diverse voices in order to generate solutions for social impact networks
                Awarded Jul 20-2015
                toward the costs of a implementing and disseminating a poll ranking the best and worst places for women to work across the G20 countries
                  Awarded Jul 20-2015
                  for use by its Institute for State and Local Governance toward the costs of refining and disseminating a series of indicators measuring equality in New York City
                    Awarded Jun 10-2015
                    Sal Forest Co. Ltd. 2015
                    in support of research to develop a case study for promoting financial incentives to encourage organic farming in Thailand in order to improve the livelihoods and economic returns of smallholder farmers