
Awarded Jun 30-2015
in support of using crowd intelligence to test hypotheses, surface innovations, and engage diverse voices in order to generate solutions for social impact networks
    Awarded Jul 20-2015
    toward the costs of a implementing and disseminating a poll ranking the best and worst places for women to work across the G20 countries
      Awarded Jul 20-2015
      for use by its Institute for State and Local Governance toward the costs of refining and disseminating a series of indicators measuring equality in New York City
        Awarded Jun 10-2015
        Sal Forest Co. Ltd. 2015
        in support of research to develop a case study for promoting financial incentives to encourage organic farming in Thailand in order to improve the livelihoods and economic returns of smallholder farmers
          Awarded Jul 15-2015
          Dalberg Research 2015
          in support of producing early-stage research products that will enhance the strategic knowledge base of the international development community on emerging and changing problems affecting the poor and vulnerable
            Awarded May 26-2015
            Urban Institute 2015
            in support of a research and landscape assessment that synthesizes forward-looking knowledge on pressing problems and dynamic opportunities in the lives of poor or vulnerable populations
              Awarded May 27-2015
              Intellecap Advisory Services Private Limited 2015
              in support of producing research products that will enhance the strategic knowledge base of the international development community on topics related to poverty reduction in the Global South
                Awarded May 28-2015
                toward the costs of radio programming and complementary online materials focused on resilience, both in the greater New York area and nationally, and providing ongoing training to other public radio stations on how to report stories with a resilience framework
                  Awarded May 28-2015
                  toward the costs of awarding its 2015 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Medal
                    Awarded Jun 01-2015
                    WETA 2015
                    for use by its PBS NewsHour in support of broadcast and web reporting focused on sudden shocks and what it takes to recover from them as a more cohesive, resilient community, and in general support of its mission to produce and broadcast programs of intellectual integrity and cultural merit that recognize viewers' and listeners' intelligence, curiosity and interest in the world around them