
Awarded May 27-2015
Purpose Campaigns LLC 2015
in support of research and the creation of research tools that enable the identification of opportunities to benefit poor and vulnerable people via the mobilization of public and private enterprises
    Awarded May 19-2015
    Results for Development 2015
    in support of a research and landscape assessment that synthesizes forward-looking knowledge on pressing problems and dynamic opportunities in the lives of poor or vulnerable populations
      Awarded Mar 10-2015
      Rockefeller Foundation Donations 2015
      to facilitate Rockefeller Foundation donations to charitable organizations through its Matching Gift Program and other similar programs, as well as membership contributions to philanthropic sector organizations
        Awarded Jul 08-2015
        New York Times Company 2015
        toward the costs of its annual Cities of Tomorrow conference series, in order to elevate the discussion regarding the crucial need for resilient and inclusive cities
          Awarded May 28-2015
          in collaboration with the City of New Orleans in support of a strategic communications campaign to highlight New Orleans’ recovery and promote the city as a global model for resilience in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina
            Awarded Apr 13-2015
            in general support of its mission to advance the common good by leading, strengthening and mobilizing the nonprofit community
              Awarded Apr 07-2015
              in support of conducting an education and advocacy campaign around Bus Rapid Transit in Chicago and New York City
                Awarded Mar 13-2015
                in general support of its mission to revolutionize philanthropy and nonprofit practice by providing information that advances transparency in the philanthropic sector, enables users to make better decisions, and encourages charitable giving
                  Awarded Mar 13-2015
                  Candid 2015
                  in general support of its mission to strengthen the social sector by advancing knowledge about philanthropy in the U.S. and around the world
                    Awarded Mar 13-2015
                    Council on Foundations Inc. 2015
                    in general support of its mission to provide the opportunity, leadership and tools needed by philanthropic organizations to expand, enhance and sustain their ability to advance the common good