
Awarded Jun 28-2023
Cup of Uji 2023
in support of increasing access to nutritious school meals in Kenya
    Awarded Apr 26-2023
    National Academy of Sciences 2023
    in support of planning and developing key pillars of the Grand Challenge on Climate Change, a multi-year global initiative to improve and protect human health, well-being, and equity by working to transform systems that both contribute to and are impacted by climate change.
      Awarded Jan 17-2023
      Royal Institute of International Affairs 2023
      in support of convenings to research and develop policy proposals on the institutional reforms and partnerships necessary to alleviate global economic inequity, climate change, and escalating health costs for vulnerable and underserved populations
        Awarded Mar 21-2023
        Foundation for the Global Compact 2023
        in support of the Global Africa Business Initiative, an effort to grow the economy to benefit poor and vulnerable communities in Africa
          Awarded Apr 10-2023
          Asia Society 2023
          Toward the costs of producing an objective and in-depth analysis of China’s climate-related policies to help address the challenge of climate change globally
            Awarded Apr 18-2023
            Open Contracting Partnership 2023
            in support of building an interactive data tool to provide decision-makers with advanced technology to better enable disaster response and climate action
              Awarded Feb 16-2023
              New York Community Trust 2023
              for use by its collaborative fund, VoteNYC, toward the costs of improving voter turnout by conducting non-partisan voter education, engagement, mobilization for elections, and strengthening civic engagement in New York City
                Awarded Mar 06-2023
                ASK Health Asia Private Limited 2023
                for use by ASK Health Consulting Company Ltd. in support of generating and disseminating actionable knowledge and insights on climate and health threats facing China, and promoting cross-border collaboration among climate and health experts in the region
                  Awarded Feb 24-2023
                  Munich Security Conference 2023
                  toward the costs of the Munich Security Conference and other events and activities focused on issues of sustainability and human security for vulnerable and/or impoverished global communities in crisis