
Awarded Dec 06-2022
The Communications Network 2022
In support of managing The Frank Karel/Rockefeller Foundation Scholarship to provide nonprofit communications leaders free attendance to its annual ComNet conference
    Awarded Jan 25-2023
    The Aspen Institute 2023
    toward the costs of its Aspen Strategy Group’s security forums, convenings and rising leaders program to facilitate conversations addressing the critical implications of climate change and the global food crisis on impoverished communities
      Awarded Feb 24-2023
      Munich Security Conference 2023
      toward the costs of the Munich Security Conference and other events and activities focused on issues of sustainability and human security for vulnerable and/or impoverished global communities in crisis
        Awarded Jan 26-2023
        Global Fairness Initiative 2023
        in support of building resilience to heat waves in women and their communities in order to improve health outcomes and livelihoods
          Awarded Dec 08-2022
          Give Foundation Inc. 2022
          in general support of its mission to raise and distribute funding to charitable organizations doing work on the ground in India.
            Awarded Dec 12-2022
            Stanford University 2022
            for use by its Deliberative Democracy Lab in support of an online deliberative poll of Tunisians on social and economic issues
              Awarded Dec 15-2022
              VoteRiders 2022
              toward the costs of a voter ID education and assistance program to facilitate eligible citizens’ ability to vote in the U.S. while also bolstering their ability to access employment, housing, healthcare, and other services
                Awarded Dec 16-2022
                Hopewell Fund 2022
                for use by its project, The Movement Institute, toward the costs of creating a central hub for low-cost data, analytics, organizing and outreach tools for nonprofit movement-building organizations in the U.S..
                  Awarded Nov 15-2022
                  New Venture Fund 2022
                  for use by its Trusted Elections Fund project to provide rapid response grants at both the state and national levels to support rapid response work to protect the integrity of the 2022 elections and ensure disenfranchised voters have access to and confidence in the voting process.