
Awarded Nov 23-2022
Eurasia Group 2022
in support of work to advance the understanding of the evolving geopolitical landscape so that philanthropic and development organizations can adapt their funding to maintain relevance and strengthen impact
    Awarded Nov 25-2022
    Catholic Charities USA 2022
    toward the costs of developing the Disaster Response Academy to address equitable recovery from natural disasters for lower income and marginalized communities in the US.
      Awarded Oct 31-2022
      Center for Effective Philanthropy 2022
      In general support of its mission to provide data and create insight so philanthropic funders can better define, assess and improve their effectiveness and impact.
        Awarded Oct 25-2022
        CGIAR System Organization 2022
        Toward the costs of seminars, panel discussions, and other programming at the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 27) about the role of agriculture in climate change and building support for systems transformation
          Awarded Sep 29-2022
          Paris Peace Forum 2022
          in support of convening the 5th Annual Paris Peace Forum, an innovative, multi-stakeholder exchange on urgent issues including food security and the future of health systems
            Awarded Nov 08-2022
            German Marshall Fund of the United States 2022
            in support of its Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, Rescue and Resilience for Ukrainian Civil Society program, an effort to increase the institutional capacity of Ukrainian civil society and independent media organizations and to enable them to effectively engage in postwar recovery and reconstruction efforts
              Awarded Nov 28-2022
              Partners In Health 2022
              in support of providing equity-focused medical education in Rwanda to grow the number of medical leaders in global health through scholarships and an early career mentorship fund.
                Awarded Dec 08-2022
                Friends of Europe ASBL 2022
                for use by its project Africa Europe Foundation in support of strengthening Africa-Europe partnerships to address climate change adaptation and the consequences of the Ukraine conflict for Africa.
                  Awarded Sep 15-2022
                  The/Nudge Foundation 2022
                  in support of identifying climate resilient and adaptive agricultural practices from grassroots communities in India