
Awarded Oct 25-2022
CGIAR System Organization 2022
Toward the costs of seminars, panel discussions, and other programming at the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 27) about the role of agriculture in climate change and building support for systems transformation
    Awarded Sep 29-2022
    Paris Peace Forum 2022
    in support of convening the 5th Annual Paris Peace Forum, an innovative, multi-stakeholder exchange on urgent issues including food security and the future of health systems
      Awarded Sep 14-2022
      Community of Evaluators – South Asia 2022
      in support of building evaluation capacity in South Asia through the 2022 Evaluation Conclave, a gathering of evaluators to be held in October 2022
        Awarded Sep 15-2022
        Purpose Campaigns LLC 2022
        in support of the “United Nations Emergency Response Communications Response Program for Ukraine” to combat disinformation about the war in Ukraine and drive global support for communities impacted by it
          Awarded Nov 18-2022
          Seed to Growth Foundation 2022
          towards the operationalization of CAP-F in Kenya to strengthen private sector engagement and investment in the Kenyan agriculture sector to improve the lives of smallholder farmers.
            Awarded Nov 18-2022
            United Nations Foundation 2022
            towards the cost of implementing a system-wide review of all UN entities to advance gender equality and women’s rights more effectively
              Awarded Aug 11-2022
              World Economic Forum 2022
              in support of launching a program to develop the enabling environment for labelled bonds in emerging and developing economies
                Awarded Aug 16-2022
                Make the Road New York 2022
                toward the costs of the Immigrant New York Covid Recovery Project to assist low-income immigrant communities to access healthcare, benefits, and affordable housing
                  Awarded Aug 17-2022
                  Abortion Care Network 2022
                  in general support of its mission to support independent abortion care providers in offering the most exceptional care possible