
Awarded Aug 04-2022
The/Nudge Foundation 2022
toward the costs of the End Ultra-Poverty Collaborative to leverage public finance in order to scale up approaches for alleviating extreme poverty in India
    Awarded Aug 17-2022
    CSEP Research Foundation 2022
    in support of building and deepening intellectual engagement among experts from Asia-Oceania working in academia, private sector and policy think tanks
      Awarded Aug 23-2022
      Tsinghua Education Foundation N.A. Inc. 2022
      For use by its Global Alliance of Universities on Climate of Tsinghua University in support of educating and empowering the next generation of climate leaders and cultivate collaborative climate action among youth climate leaders and university experts, through support to COP27 and COP28 preparation activities
        Awarded Aug 11-2022
        World Economic Forum 2022
        in support of launching a program to develop the enabling environment for labelled bonds in emerging and developing economies
          Awarded Aug 16-2022
          Make the Road New York 2022
          toward the costs of the Immigrant New York Covid Recovery Project to assist low-income immigrant communities to access healthcare, benefits, and affordable housing
            Awarded Aug 17-2022
            Abortion Care Network 2022
            in general support of its mission to support independent abortion care providers in offering the most exceptional care possible
              Awarded Aug 26-2022
              Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project 2022
              in general support of its mission to ensure that all women of all ages, genders, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds have access to safe, legal abortion care and emergency contraception
                Awarded Aug 01-2022
                American Friends of Edelgive Foundation 2022
                in support of the India Climate Leader initiative for collectivizing Indian high net-worth individuals (HNIs) to build and empower a set of climate champions
                  Awarded Aug 04-2022
                  Centre for Strategic and International Studies 2022
                  in support of engaging with policymakers on issues related to Indonesia, such as global recovery, energy transition, and pandemic prevention and health security, at the Think20 summit in 2022
                    Awarded Aug 29-2022
                    Vital Voices 2022
                    toward the costs of meeting the urgent needs of the most at-risk Afghan women leaders and their families