
Awarded Jun 16-2016
SKDKnickerbocker 2016
in support of communications and community engagement assistance for the National Disaster Resilience Competition winning jurisdictions, and resilience outreach and communications to federal agencies, philanthropic organizations, and private businesses
    Awarded Jun 10-2016
    Windward Fund 2016
    for use by its Water Funder Initiative toward the costs of developing and coordinating the implementation of six action plans to address water challenges impacting communities and freshwater ecosystems in the U.S. West
      Awarded Jun 29-2016
      in support of Resilience Atlas, an integrative decision support tool for risk assessment and investment decisions, and the incorporation of it into the Global Resilience Partnership website
        Awarded Jul 29-2016
        Smart Power for Rural Development India Foundation 2016
        in support of scaling up organizational capacity to support the launch of 300 new decentralized renewable energy power plants in India and provide continued accelerated energy access to rural homes and local businesses.
          Awarded Apr 04-2016
          in support of developing a strategy and implementation plan to catalyze the transition to more inclusive and resilient water management systems globally
            Awarded Feb 25-2016
            in support of conducting a study of the political economy of water governance and water management as it relates to the potential for reform and the establishment of water markets
              Awarded Nov 20-2015
              toward the costs of activities designed to develop a market for responsible seafood by scaling fair trade principles to other seafood commodities
                Awarded Dec 14-2015
                in support of preparations by its “Urban Ecology and Resilience” policy unit for the 2016 Habitat III convening to be held in Quito, Ecuador, October 2016
                  Awarded Dec 02-2015
                  in support of activities designed to transition the Asian blue swimming crab fisheries toward sustainable, responsible production by scaling the Fisheries Improvement Project model for benefitting small-scale fisheries in Indonesia and globally
                    Awarded Dec 11-2015
                    IDEO LP 2015
                    in support of creating and running a “Bootcamp” to help city leaders apply design thinking in order to transform once dormant civic spaces into thriving neighborhood assets that benefit local communities, especially poor and vulnerable people.