
Awarded Dec 08-2015
toward the costs of establishing a global network of southern NGOs working on humanitarian response, recovery and resilience building
    Awarded Dec 07-2015
    Center for Effective Philanthropy 2015
    in general support of its mission to provide data and create insight so philanthropic funders can better define, assess and improve their effectiveness and impact
      Awarded Nov 20-2015
      toward the costs of activities designed to develop a market for responsible seafood by scaling fair trade principles to other seafood commodities
        Awarded Dec 14-2015
        in support of preparations by its “Urban Ecology and Resilience” policy unit for the 2016 Habitat III convening to be held in Quito, Ecuador, October 2016
          Awarded Dec 02-2015
          in support of activities designed to transition the Asian blue swimming crab fisheries toward sustainable, responsible production by scaling the Fisheries Improvement Project model for benefitting small-scale fisheries in Indonesia and globally
            Awarded Dec 11-2015
            IDEO LP 2015
            in support of creating and running a “Bootcamp” to help city leaders apply design thinking in order to transform once dormant civic spaces into thriving neighborhood assets that benefit local communities, especially poor and vulnerable people.
              Awarded Nov 30-2015
              New York University 2015
              for use by the Institute of Knowledge in support of its Resilient Cities by Design project, which will partner with members of the 100 Resilient Cities network to orchestrate processes and competitions based on the Rebuild by Design model
                Awarded Nov 17-2015
                for use by its Indonesia office toward the costs of organizing a final learning event in 2016 that will enable partners to collectively reflect on learnings from the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) initiative, strengthen the network, and celebrate its achievements while highlighting new directions for the Foundation’s resilience work
                  Awarded Nov 17-2015
                  Acumen Fund, Inc. 2015
                  in support of market research to better understand the gaps in the off-grid energy sector value chain and common barriers to scaling energy access encountered by private sector companies, in order to create a fund for investing in energy access for rural communities in Kenya and Rwanda
                    Awarded Nov 16-2015
                    Cities of Service 2015
                    toward the costs of piloting Resilience AmeriCorps, a program to address social and environmental resilience challenges in ten U.S. cities