
Awarded Jul 01-2015
in general support of establishing a new hybrid social enterprise to continue the development and deployment of the Resilience Exchange platform.
    Awarded Jul 01-2015
    Dalberg Consulting – U.S., LLC 2015
    for use by its Design Impact Group in support of research and rapid prototyping of innovative livelihood interventions that address human behavioral incentives driving overfishing in Chile and Indonesia
      Awarded Jun 16-2015
      Dalberg Development Advisors Private Limited 2015
      in support of a project to provide monitoring and knowledge integration services on progress towards outcomes and impacts of the Foundation’s Smart Power for Rural Development Initiative, to foster learning, accountability and performance improvements in the initiative, among its grantees, and in the fields of rural electrification, market-based solutions for development, philanthropy and evaluation
        Awarded Jun 24-2015
        Sambodhi Research and Communications Private Limited 2015
        in support of a project to conduct an impact evaluation of the Foundation's Smart Power for Rural Development (SPRD) initiative in India and assess the extent to which the initiative is positively impacting the lives of people and spurring economic growth in rural communities in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh
          Awarded Oct 02-2015
          in support of developing philanthropic partnerships for jurisdictions participating in the National Disaster Resilience Competition
            Awarded Aug 14-2015
            APCO Worldwide Inc. 2015
            in support of a project to provide communication and stakeholder engagement support to Smart Power India
              Awarded May 04-2015
              Georgetown University 2015
              for use by its Georgetown Climate Center in support of legal and policy assistance for the National Disaster Resilience Competition based in part on lessons learned from Rebuild by Design
                Awarded Jun 09-2015
                Smart Power for Rural Development India Foundation 2015
                in support of establishing the Smart Power for Rural Development India Foundation, to launch decentralized renewable energy power plants in India and provide accelerated energy access for both home lighting and productive uses to rural consumers who currently do not have access to an effective national grid
                  Awarded Jun 03-2015
                  Technology and Action for Rural Advancement 2015
                  in support of a project to provide community engagement and other preparation services to launch decentralized renewable energy power plants in India and provide accelerated energy access for both home lighting and productive uses to rural consumers who currently do not have access to an effective national grid
                    Awarded Apr 28-2015
                    Technology and Action for Rural Advancement 2015
                    in support of a project to launch decentralized renewable energy power plants in India and provide accelerated energy access for both home lighting and productive uses to rural consumers who currently do not have access to an effective national grid