
Awarded Nov 19-2019
World Bank 2019
for use by its Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) toward the costs of establishing a targeted program for stimulating electricity demand in order to accelerate energy access in up to four African countries
    Awarded Sep 23-2019
    Meridian Institute 2019
    in support of a convening to advance integrated electrification in order to help end energy poverty to be held at The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy, December 2019
      Awarded Aug 09-2019
      CrossBoundary LLC 2019
      in support of developing an innovation lab to assess the viability of mini-grid models to support energy service companies to accelerate energy access for poor and vulnerable people in rural areas in Africa
        Awarded Jul 19-2019
        Atlantic Council of the United States, Inc. 2019
        for use by its Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center in support of identifying, implementing, and scaling solutions to the urgent crises of climate change, migration, and security
          Awarded Dec 04-2018
          University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2018
          toward the costs of establishing the Electricity Growth and Use in Developing Economies (E-GUIDE) Center that will use advanced analytics to improve the understanding of energy demand and use in emerging countries and contribute to improved energy planning, access and the productive use of energy
            Awarded Dec 10-2018
            Windward Fund 2018
            for use by Factor(E) Ventures, PBC in support of testing technologies and business models which will utilize energy to unlock agricultural productivity and create a community of practice focused on joint planning, research and investment related to the intersection of energy and agriculture to drive economic opportunity in Sub-Saharan Africa
              Awarded Nov 21-2018
              The Energy for Growth Hub 2018
              toward the costs of creating a new energy consumption metric that better captures energy’s role in economic transformation and helps to translate research into policy to support more effective and increased energy provision for economic growth
                Awarded Nov 29-2018
                Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2018
                in support of creating a global commission that will showcase and advance specific recommendations, policy action, and investments in integrated electrification models