toward the costs of a feasibility study for a new model of energy company in Nigeria that would provide universal energy access through a combination of on- and off-grid solutions
in support of developing an innovation lab to assess the viability of mini-grid models to support energy service companies to accelerate energy access for poor and vulnerable people in rural areas in Africa
in support of a project to provide innovative energy technologies in the Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya and in general support of its mission to enable the poor to access prosperity through localized community centers, 4/17/2020 to amend the work in support of a corona virus awareness and prevention project in the Kibera slum
for use by 100 Resilient Cities in support of expanding and enriching the Global Resilience Academy curriculum and institutionalizing its approach (in partnership with Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation)
in support of a technical and market assessment of how to deliver productive power and associated appliances to poor and vulnerable people in off-grid contexts
for use by 100 Resilient Cities toward the costs of building cities’ capacity globally to maintain and recover critical functions in the face of shocks and stresses, and to support their progress toward operational independence and sustainability
in support of a project to conduct an impact assessment of the Foundation’s Smart Power for Rural Development (SPRD) Initiative and the extent to which the initiative is positively impacting the lives of people and spurring economic growth in SPRD-supported communities in India