
Feb 27 2017
Agriculture is Cool!
Food loss occurs when crops rot before they reach markets. This is usually due to inefficiencies in the post-harvest management system, in the form of poor harvesting and handling methods, …
Feb 27 2017
Valuing the Resilience Dividend
Just months after I became president of The Rockefeller Foundation, New Orleans experienced one of the worst disasters in American history: Hurricane Katrina. While we did what we could to help …
Feb 23 2017
Resilience Week 2016 Hosted by The Rockefeller Foundation
In December 2016, The Rockefeller Foundation’s African Regional Office hosted the Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Convening in Nairobi, Kenya. Over 150 delegates and 40 speakers participated, sharing insights, examples, and engaging in debate and discussion on why …
Jan 31 2017
Introducing Zilient: A global resilience network
A version of this post original appeared on  Imagine that with just one click you could access a destination where you could learn of a groundbreaking new technology; participate in …
Jan 23 2017
Resilient Cities Require Resilient Food Systems
  To better prepare for the effects of climate change and severe natural disasters, city leaders are prioritizing resilience planning. New research from the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC), …