What did you have for dinner last night? Did you cook, eat out, order delivery? How much of that meal wasn’t eaten and ended up in the trash can? While …
Planetary health is the idea that human health is directly linked to the health of ecosystems. The Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on Planetary Health has provided extensive evidence indicating that the deterioration of ecosystems poses a significant threat to the health of millions of people.
During the last three weeks, I have had the pleasure of leading sessions during the thematic month on human behavior at The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, observing as the residents …
In today’s world, sustainability issues impact the financial success of companies. Take the 2013 Target data breach, which cost the company an estimated $146 million and a 16 percent drop …
Millennials are the largest generation in America, and—according to a recent Pew Research Center study—they are also the most diverse and educated. This is a generation that strives to make …
What's needed?
The New Climate Economy report has estimated that USD 90 trillion will be needed for infrastructure investments over the next 15 years1,. To prevent dangerous levels of climate change …
Devastating droughts in California, Brazil, South Africa and elsewhere, coupled with global trends of groundwater depletion and water quality degradation are motivating investors to become more water aware. Drought in …
Investors of all kinds are increasingly looking at environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors to better inform their financial assessments of risk and opportunity. Financial implications of ESG factors abound. Water …
China’s leaders first became interested in natural capital after devastating landslides and flooding in 1998 killed thousands and displaced millions of people, at a cost of more than US$30 billion …
‘Natural capital’ is ‘the stock of renewable and non-renewable natural resources (e.g., plants, animals, air, water, soils and minerals), that combine to yield a flow of benefits to people.’ All businesses …