
Apr 30 2015
Searching for the Next Grantee
In mid-March, The Rockefeller Foundation hosted a reception for alums of our Bellagio Center in Italy, which since 1959 has been home to countless ground-breaking convenings and residencies for writers, artists, …
Apr 24 2015
Accelerating the Pace of Social Change
At the same time as the Skoll World Forum last week, nearly one hundred marine conservation practitioners were coming together in Cancun, Mexico at the invitation of Blue Solutions, to learn about each …
Apr 22 2015
Revaluing Ecosystems: Earth Day and Beyond
Today, on the 45th anniversary of the first Earth Day in 1970, over a billion people around the world are taking action to protect the planet. In China, a hiking group is cleaning up …
Apr 17 2015
Where Immigration Meets Resilience
As the national debate on immigration heats up, there's fresh evidence of how immigration make U.S. communities stronger and more vibrant. Among the latest additions is a report – Understanding the …
Apr 09 2015
The Resilient Mile
When I was growing up in suburban New Jersey, Hoboken was the Miracle Mile. It was known for having a bar on every corner and being the birthplace of Frank Sinatra. …
Mar 24 2015
Water and the World
SHARE THIS By 2030 global water demand is expected to exceed current supply by 40 percent. SHARE THIS California is in its fourth year of drought – how can we balance the demand …
Mar 23 2015
Are We Resilient Yet?
UCCR Investments Paying Off The Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) initiative over the past eight years has worked to strengthen urban climate change resilience through testing new approaches, building …