
Mar 14 2015
Taking Stock: Assessing Urban Resilience Efforts
The example of how the people of Can Tho developed a salinity monitoring project highlights some of the broader changes that have taken place across many of the ten cities …
Mar 02 2015
Why Information Matters
"The world of information and media is changing rapidly." For many around the world, accessing, producing, consuming, and sharing information has never been easier: internet connectivity, mobile devices, broadcast media, and …
Feb 27 2015
Chicago's Big Bet on the Bus
Cross-posted with special permission from Foundation grantee CityLab. Just ten years ago, living in Chicago without an automobile was considered eccentric behavior. In 2002, a food writer friend moved there from …
Feb 27 2015
Creating Problems You Want to Have
Vietnam's Mekong Delta region has long been considered a climate hot spot. With its low elevation, rapidly urbanizing population, and central role in global rice production, flooding alone could easily …
Feb 25 2015
Tackling Health Inequity: Where to Begin?
From vaccines that prevent childhood diseases to antiretroviral drugs that treat HIV, we're better equipped than ever to take on the world's greatest public health challenges. In the past two …
Feb 20 2015
Building a Resilience Network in Asia
Last week, the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) was officially launched at the Resilient Cities Asia-Pacific Conference in Bangkok. Created in 2008, this Rockefeller Foundation-supported initiative has focused on building capacity, …
Feb 18 2015
How Digital Jedis Battle Big Data: A True Story
The overflow of information generated during disasters can be as paralyzing to humanitarian response efforts as the lack of information. Computers, mobile phones, social media, mainstream news, earth-based sensors, humanitarian …