
Oct 13 2013
Slumdog Urbanism
The following was cross-posted at “Contested Urbanism in Dharavi: Writings and Projects for the Resilient City” is a fascinating look at how some of India's – perhaps the world's – poorest …
Oct 12 2013
10 Cities That Are Leading on Climate Change
Cross posted on A juried competition recently recognized ten major cities as “climate leaders,” for the innovative approaches they are taking to act on climate change. Spanning the global North and …
Oct 11 2013
In Slums, a Postal Address is Key to Opportunity
Next Century Innovators Award Finalist Alex Pigot, founder of Addressing the Unaddressed, shares how they use innovation to empower others, how slums deeply affect social safety nets, and cities could become …
Oct 10 2013
Why Jobs Mean More Than Income
In everyday conversation, “livelihood” is often used as just another word for a job. Jobs are of course a good and, in fact, crucial part of improving the lives of …
Oct 02 2013
Embracing the Informal City
Let’s not romanticize poverty. We live in an unprecedented age of urbanization that has consigned large segments of the population to slums that have no water or electricity or sanitation. …
Sep 26 2013
The Informal City Reader
Over the past year, Next City has chronicled stories from the informal realm as part of The Rockefeller Foundation’s Informal City Dialogues. Through photography, film and well over a hundred …
Sep 25 2013
100 Resilient Cities at Clinton Global Initiative
The Rockefeller Foundation was proud to make our $100 million commitment to resilient cities at the 2013 Clinton Global Initiative. Judith Rodin was joined onstage by New Orleans mayor Mitch …