
Sep 10 2013
The Excluded Urban Poor
What hinders low-income or newly migrant urban citizens from reaping the benefits of cities? People all over the world, and particularly in developing countries, are migrating to cities because they are …
Sep 03 2013
Urban Resilience in Bangkok
Bangkok is one of many appropriate locations in the world to talk about urban resilience. It has gone through a series of environmental, economic, and political shocks: the mega-flood two …
Sep 03 2013
Good For Business
Resilience isn't only a necessity for cities to withstand and bounce back from disasters. It's also good for business. In an op-ed in the Guardian yesterday, Rockefeller Foundation President Judith Rodin …
Aug 29 2013
A Unique Approach to Solve Social Problems
Some critical challenges such malnutrition have been a problem since the beginning of humanity. Others, such as waste or pollution, are the result of modern lifestyles and rapid population growth. …
Aug 27 2013
Envisioning a Different Kind of Urbanization
Leading figures from governments, civil society, and corporations from around the globe are gathering at the Foundation's Bellagio Center on Lake Como, Italy today to imagine a different kind of …
Aug 20 2013
Economic Opportunities Through Water Conservation
The Nature Conservancy was recently selected as a winner for the Next Century Innovators Awards for its work with Water Funds. Concern over water scarcity has been a defining feature of the current era. Water …
Aug 15 2013
Exploring 100 Years of Food Security
Today, The Rockefeller Foundation launches the second book in its Centennial publications Series, Food & Prosperity: Balancing Technology and Community in Agriculture. From the Foundation’s earliest days, John D. Rockefeller and his program …
Aug 12 2013
Jamaica Bay Points the Way
Of the 25 most densely populated counties in the United States, 23 are along a coastline. New York City has over 500 miles of coastline and, as Superstorm Sandy showed, …