
Jul 25 2017
Building a Generation of Change Agents
When Martin Luther King Jr. led the Montgomery Bus Boycott, he was twenty-six years old. At twenty-four years old, Gandhi began his movement against racist pass laws in South Africa. …
Jun 28 2017
Is Protein a Key to Feeding Ten Billion?
By 2050, humanity will have over two billion more people to feed than we do now. That’s a daunting prospect when we already struggle to feed ourselves without damaging the planet. …
May 30 2017
Closing the Food Gap From Farmer to Table
Daily images of drought are a stark reminder of the importance of food for human health and prosperity. And while we know that agriculture is the economic backbone of most …
May 16 2017
Five Strategies to Help Youth Succeed in the Digital Age
According to the World Bank Development Report on Digital Dividends (2016), the rapid spread of digital technologies around the world is boosting economic growth and expands opportunities in many instances; …
May 09 2017
Reducing Food Waste through Open Innovation
How collaborative ideation fueled a search for food waste solutions. If food waste were a nation, it would rank third in the world for harmful emissions. Along with the environmental damage, …