
Jul 31 2015
Access to Electricity is Critical to Africa's Growth
As Africa thrives under surging economic and population growth rates, we face the challenge of ensuring that everyone benefits optimally from the gains of development. Utilities are key to growth. …
Jul 25 2015
Kenya, U.S. Can Help Youth Get Jobs
A version of this post also appeared in The Daily Nation. KEY TAKEAWAYS SHARE THIS When the African youth population doubles to 400 million, there will be more young people entering the workforce …
Jul 08 2015
When Problem Meets Solution
One of the most fascinating—and humbling!—experiences you have working for a 102-year-old institution is discovering new stories of the organization's work and impact. We recently received a visit in The …
Jul 06 2015
A Night Journey in Nigeria: Ike's Story
Late last year the Foundation launched a series of collaborations to explore the potential for online work to expand the employment landscape for young people in Africa. In Kenya and …
Jul 01 2015
Coming to Terms With Flooding in Hat Yai
A version of this post originally on the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN).  KEY TAKEAWAYS SHARE THIS For Thailand's Hat Yai, high flood risk and rapid growth have created major disruptions …
Jun 30 2015
The Human Experience of Post-Harvest Loss
It's no surprise that when we develop new work at The Rockefeller Foundation, we look for ways to integrate the voices of beneficiaries and stakeholders. Without taking into account their …