
Apr 09 2015
The Resilient Mile
When I was growing up in suburban New Jersey, Hoboken was the Miracle Mile. It was known for having a bar on every corner and being the birthplace of Frank Sinatra. …
Mar 23 2015
Are We Resilient Yet?
UCCR Investments Paying Off The Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) initiative over the past eight years has worked to strengthen urban climate change resilience through testing new approaches, building …
Mar 13 2015
Youth Hold the Key to U.S. Competitiveness
A version of this post originally appeared in The Huffington Post. Since the rise of computing, mobile communications, and the Internet, youth, defined as 16-to-24 year olds, have become increasingly central to …
Mar 10 2015
The Plummeting Labor Market Fortunes of Teens and Young Adults
Employment prospects for teens and young adults in the nation’s 100 largest metropolitan areas plummeted between 2000 and 2011. On a number of measures—employment rates, labor force underutilization, unemployment, and year-round joblessness—teens …
U.S. Economic Opportunity