
Jun 04 2014
Introducing Medellin’s Chief Resilience Officer
This post originally appeared on 100 Resilient Cities. Oscar Santiago Uribe Rocha is Medellín, Colombia's first Chief Resilience Officer (CRO)—the second CRO appointed anywhere in the world. His story is one …
May 19 2014
Rockefeller Grantee Wins a Peabody Award
The Rockefeller Foundation congratulates WETA's documentary, Latino Americans, for winning the prestigious George Foster Peabody Award. As the award panel said, the series' "six fascinating installments traced a people's history that's …
May 16 2014
Impact Sourcing 101
With increased focus on shared value, inclusive business and corporate social responsibility, businesses are looking for both positive financial and social impact in their own practices, and in those of …
U.S. Economic Opportunity