
Sep 21 2013
Live from the Social Good Summit
(Updated 9/25) The Rockefeller Foundation was honored to participate in the fourth annual Social Good Summit—a unique convening of world leaders, technology pioneers and grassroots innovators—to explore how today's use of …
Sep 19 2013
A Shared Vision for Impact Sourcing
Last week, The Rockefeller Foundation hosted important stakeholders from major outsourcing destinations and a range of geographic regions (Africa, North America, Latin America, Europe, South and Southeast Asia) at its …
Sep 16 2013
Accelerating Impact Enterprises
Over the past five years, The Rockefeller Foundation has helped to build an impact investing industry where investors can deploy capital in pursuit of deliberate social and environmental goals as …
Sep 11 2013
Global Youth Economic Opportunities
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video even better, so I'm going to show you a brief video clip about The Rockefeller Foundation's Digital Jobs …
Sep 10 2013
The Excluded Urban Poor
What hinders low-income or newly migrant urban citizens from reaping the benefits of cities? People all over the world, and particularly in developing countries, are migrating to cities because they are …
Sep 09 2013
Energy Revolution in Rural India
The smell of sweat and grease hangs heavy in the air. Dr. Shailendra Nath Sharan, fondly called "Bullu Ji," peers through his spectacles, nodding his head as he inspects the …
Sep 06 2013
Youth Driving Change in Sierra Leone
Next Century Innovators Award winner Innovate Salone discusses unifying innovation with social impact, how to reduce global inequity, and the growth of their Innovate Network. Why do you believe that innovation is …
Sep 03 2013
Urban Resilience in Bangkok
Bangkok is one of many appropriate locations in the world to talk about urban resilience. It has gone through a series of environmental, economic, and political shocks: the mega-flood two …
Sep 03 2013
Good For Business
Resilience isn't only a necessity for cities to withstand and bounce back from disasters. It's also good for business. In an op-ed in the Guardian yesterday, Rockefeller Foundation President Judith Rodin …