In December 2013, I attended a workshop organized by the Global Knowledge Initiative (GKI), a grantee in The Rockefeller Foundation's Waste and Spoilage Initiative. At one point, a workshop participant arrived …
Today, an estimated 470 million smallholder farmers and supply chain actors across developing countries lose an average of 15 percent of their income to food spoilage. Spoilage limits how much …
Soil is one of the most overlooked ingredients in farming and yet it exists right beneath farmers’ feet. Healthy, fertile soils are an imperative starting point for agro-based development. But …
A version of this post originally appeared on the Innovation Labs Insights Center, a joint project of Bridgespan and The Rockefeller Foundation.
"Why have the rather simple, globally recognized solutions failed …
In developing countries, 90 percent of wastage is from food loss within the value chain. It directly impacts poor producers through foregone income and impacts poor consumers through reduced food …
Over the course of the last year, our team, alongside our grant partners, have deeply explored 11 of these emerging trends to learn more about their root causes, the opportunities for riding the …
A key theme from the five country studies is that policy and regulatory changes will only take a country so far. The agribusiness investment climate is shaped by many other …
Shared Journey: The Rockefeller Foundation, Human Capital and Development in Africa is one of six produced by the Foundation for our Centennial celebration—together, they tell the story of the Foundation’s work …
New York—The Rockefeller Foundation and the African Union Commission have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote increased cooperation between them in their efforts towards Africa's progress. The MoU was …
Credit: Paul Morse / Clinton Global Initiative
Yesterday, I moderated a dual panel at the Clinton Global Initiative on demonstrating that climate change is good economics. I was pleased to be …