
Oct 07 2020
Meet the Top Visionaries
7Gen Food System
Welcome to Rosebud Indian Reservation (Mission, South Dakota), year 2050. The alarm goes off. A Sicangu chef opens his eyes and starts his day as usual. French press coffee, and he’s …
Oct 07 2020
Meet the Top Visionaries
From Mama’s Kitchen to Metropolitan Beijing
Welcome to Beijing, China, year 2050. After a long day at the local market, Jun eagerly arrives home to share her newly acquired knowledge and fresh produce with her family, inspired …
Oct 07 2020
Meet the Top Visionaries
Welcome to Araku, Wardha, New Delhi, India, year 2050. Ichemma wakes up before sunrise, and after sending her two cows off to the nearby community grazing land, she packs some millet …
Oct 07 2020
Meet the Top Visionaries
Eat Right India
Welcome to India, year 2050. It’s 5 am in Dehradun in Uttarakhand, and Amit, a data scientist, is awoken to the ring of the doorbell.  A neighborhood volunteer has brought a …
Oct 07 2020
Meet the Top Visionaries
Restoring Nairobi to “A Place of Cool Waters”
Welcome to Nairobi, Kenya, year 2050. After Omondi wakes up, he enjoys a hot shower and gives thanks to solar energy for this luxury. His breakfast usually consists of a diverse …
Oct 07 2020
Meet the Top Visionaries
Re-rooting the Dutch Food System - From More to Better
Every day, the team at Kipster tends to 24,000 hens in a single building with a Photovoltaic roof made of solar power shingles. Kipster is a revolutionary and sustainable poultry …
Aug 06 2020
Meet the Top Visionaries
The Rockefeller Foundation is thrilled to announce the Top 10 Finalists for the Food System Vision Prize. These Finalists were selected from a pool of more than 1,300 applicants from …