Billian Okoth and Alloys Mbogo live 125 kilometers apart in Kenya and have never met each other. However, they are fighting the effects of Covid-19 together, through an unusual partnership …
In recent days, photos of empty supermarket shelves have been trending on social media, and the makers of shelf-stable items like dried beans and soups have seen their stock price …
In January, The Rockefeller Foundation’s Food Initiative launched the Komesha Fruit Fly Campaign, a partnership with the Government of Kenya, USAID, Research Triangle Institute and others to support fruit fly …
For Roy Steiner, Senior Vice President for The Rockefeller Foundation's Food Initiative, the best way to create #ImpactThroughInnovation is by enabling doctors to prescribe fruits & veggies, curbing diet-related diseases.
How might we transform our food systems so that they thrive in 2050? Sara Farley, Managing Director of our Food Initiative, kicks off 2020 sharing why visions of the future …
Last month, I had the honor of attending the Conference on Food Waste and Loss Reduction, hosted at the Vatican by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences along with The Rockefeller …
This is a photo series from my recent trip to Central and Eastern Kenya, where I visited mango farmers who benefit from the YieldWise Initiative, supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. …