
Dec 10 2014
The Economist - Securing Livelihoods
As private and public players at all levels examine our progress in moving people out of poverty, the time is right to explore if and how livelihoods have improved. What factors really determine …
Dec 02 2014
A Human Lens On the Lives of Informal Workers
It’s easier than you think to hide in plain sight. To be everywhere and nowhere. To become so ingrained in the fabric of a city, an economy, a world, that you are …
Jun 23 2014
The Essential Ingredients to Universal Health Coverage
In Ten (Plus One) Things to Think About When Planning and Implementing Universal Health Coverage, Robert and I highlighted several points on the necessary pre-conditions for universal health coverage (UHC), …
Dec 03 2013
Global Health 2035 - The Lancet Commissions
Prompted by the 20th anniversary of the 1993 World Development Report, a Lancet Commission revisited the case for investment in health and developed a new investment frame work to achieve dramatic health gains by …
Jul 23 2013
Thailand: Our Partner in Public Health Innovation
The Rockefeller Foundation recently partnered with the Ministry of Public Health and Siriraj Hospital to co-organize the International Conference in Medicine and Public Health (ICMPH) from June 24-28, 2013 in …
Jun 01 2013
Joint Learning Network Update
The Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN) has been a central part of The Rockefeller Foundation’s work towards advancing health and achieving universal health coverage (UHC), through our flagship health initiative, …